Special Quest: The Best Way to Experience Our New Web Store - SHAKLABS STORE


Welcome to our new web store layout! We are thrilled to introduce a fresh and exciting design that will enhance your shopping experience. But we want to do more than just show off our new look - we want to celebrate it with you in a special way.

Are you ready for a challenge?

We are launching a special quest for all our adventurous customers. Here's how it works: create a captivating 40-second video showcasing the product you purchased from our store. Make it fun, creative, and high-quality. Once you're satisfied with your masterpiece, send it to us via Google Drive or any other platform.

How can you claim your reward?

After you've shared your video with us, post it on your social media channels and don't forget to tag us! Once we see your video and are amazed by your creativity, we will send you a 30% discount code that you can use on any order, regardless of the value.

This quest is not just about getting a discount - it's about unleashing your creativity and sharing your passion for our products with the world. So, grab your camera, let your imagination run wild, and show us what you've got!

Get ready to embark on this exciting journey with us. We can't wait to see the amazing videos you create and reward you for your efforts. Let the quest begin!